Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Encouraging News

This last week has been wild. Auditions for the play, fights at recess, and the return of our school director from a two week conference in Memphis have been news on the side as we seek to storm the front lines of lost souls here in Paramaribo. God's been good to us, for sure, and we have some good news to report. One student, whose name you can ask about in an e-mail if you really want to know, has confronted me with a story that amounts to his life, and he's been asking questions like, "Why didn't anything ever feel like it was enough?" and "Why did it seem like none of it really mattered?" Great questions, and ones that God has provided some great answers to in both my experience and Amy's.
Due to the nature of our Christian school, we both have an opportunity to present the Gospel to kids who don't believe it on a daily basis. This student, formerly an atheist and now someone who is very attracted to Christianity but still a little unsure, has had to deal with the Holy Spirit hammering at his heart and mind for the last several months, and I believe that the "Hound of Heaven" is hard after him, and he won't get away. C. S. Lewis once said that about a non-Christian, so I don't feel haughty saying it, too.
In other news:
  • Amy's been sick lately, so please pray for her. We don't really have anyone to substitute for us if we get sick, so aching bodies don't get the rest they require.
  • Conner may be directing "A Slip in Time" by T. James Belich, a sci-fi murder-mystery, for the high school drama class. Yikes.
  • Amy's been able to give some students Bibles to take home with them. The students wanted them, so she was sure to take the opportunity to provide. Hurray!

Monday, February 15, 2010

January into February

It's been awhile since the last post, and I apologize for that. We've been busy with our classes, conferences with parents, youth group, and much more, and things have started to seem so normal that I've been struggling to find a topic to post about. I suppose that most of you read because you care about us, so I'll divulge a little personal information before I go to the bullet points.
  • Amy took her class on a field trip to the Presidential Palace, an enjoyable excursion to be sure. She was proud of her students for asking such outstanding questions of their tour guide.
  • We spent our first Valentine's Day together as a married couple, and although we weren't extravagant, we did wander around a nature park together, where Amy took some pictures and I slapped mosquitoes. In case you're wondering, I'm still in love with Amy, and she still puts up with me, though why, I don't know.
  • We continue to build relationships with our students and pray hard that it's doing some good. We can only trust in God as we seek to serve Him, and it's sometimes hard, and sometimes we lose sight of what He's doing and get frazzled about a lack of "results," but the epic sweep of history is the story of His glorifying Himself by building His Kingdom, and we believe He'll do some of that here.