Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Break

One of the benefits to a teaching position is, of course, the gift of a Christmas break.  We're on ours right now, and we've filled it with some of the people we love.  It's an interesting thing, a holiday.  It makes me naturally shift into hedonism mode.  I think, "we're here to have fun together" instead of "we're here to glorify God."  It reminds me of when, in college, some friends and I parodied the slogan of our school's spring break mission trips, "Break for Change" with "Break for Me."  We just wanted a vacation.  As we grow to be more like Christ, we start to wonder how to serve as we relax.

Here's the schedule:
  • Montgomery/Dothan, AL
  • Waterford, MI
  • Atlanta, GA for the Passion Conference
  • ???
Return to Suriname January 9.

1 comment:

  1. Methinks you need to insert a litte "Dayton, TN" before you head to Atlanta. Just sayin'...
