Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blithe to Help Me

"But I am no beggar; I look for no favors at your hands, and I want none that are not freely given.  For as poor as I appear, I have friends of my own that will be blithe to help me."   
 -Robert Louis Stevenson, in Kidnapped.

Oh, the joy of a little connection with David Balfour, the protagonist of the above-mentioned classic.  What a babe.

  • A representative of a delegation of parents was sent to the director of the International Academy of Suriname in order to assure that "less Bible would be taught during high school history classes."  It was with a subdued expression and an admittedly pleased-with-himself air that these words were received by the teacher of said classes.  This is the connection with David Balfour:  no matter the trouble with parents, the opportunities presented are freely presented from God or directly asked by the kids, and I've a Friend who is "blithe to help me."
  • The wall behind Amy's desk is decorated with gifts from students that contain mis-spelled messages of adoration, affection, and admiration.  She had a long talk with one student today about putting effort into his work, and the outcome was that he wanted more reading homework.
  • We're both still trying to figure out how best to help out those students who either don't care or just don't get it.  There are poor English speakers added in, and it's just tough for them.
  • There's still not much sign of any young men around my age who speak English, so feel free to throw up a second or two long prayer about that.
We appreciate everyone reading.  We love hearing from you.  "Streams in the desert" and all that.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously I was mistaken, but I thought that you both were teaching at a Christian school.

    My only comment: keep up the good work down there.
